News Document Title: ==================== Commercial startup, User Database shreddered & monthly Pass Release Date: ============= 2012-06-20 Laboratory Article: =================== Dear Laboratory Researchers, Exploiters, Penetration Testers, Analysts and Vendors, In the last few days we deleted half of the registered users in the database. We will now start our commercial program to finance our official speakers, talks, presentations, travel costs and the new infrastructure of the community. Consequently, if you still interested to watch all data and keep updated with the latest exclusive 0day vulnerabilities, please join us. Bound with this decision is the commercial program to tune up our laboratory to a higher instance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Researcher: 200 €uro (3 Month) [65 €uro per Month] - Access to [Index] - Full Advisory Details | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Customers: 1500 €uro (3 Month) [500 €uro per Month] - Access to [Index] and [Customer] - Full Advisory Details| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------