Account:[RegistrationRole:[Anonymous] Researcher: 1848 Advisories: 1138 Documents: 42 Videos: 242 Date: 21.01.2025 TZ: 13:15

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Commercial Talks - Event Speakers, PenTest Shows or Workshops

Vulnerability-Lab provides stable commercial talks which are getting extended in a period of every quartal per year to make them unique and perfect. This talks are very informativ for researchers, security companies or penetration tester to learn about manually exploitation, protection, bypass technics, secure programming & more ...

Our company does not only offers workshops and presentations, it does as well live shows for hacking events and conferences. As in other subject areas, the emphasis here is on IT security. To get an overview on the various training courses, workshops and to give live shows, we have extra hacking compiled for you the following information. All our training courses, lectures and performances require no previous IT knowledge. Only if a workshop or a presentation with advanced or expert is instantly highlighted in the title, we require a technical knowledge for your understanding. The training courses and workshops take an average of 1-2 day (s) to complete and include short breaks. The live shows of Hacking take between 30-60 minutes and 60-120 minutes between our presentations, those are ideal for conferences or training sessions.

Copyrights, Permission & Trademarks

All pictures, texts, advisories, sourcecodes, ressources, videos and other information of the vulnerability lab website is trademark of the evolution security gmbh company & the specific authors, manufacturer or manager team. To record, public list(feed/auto), modify, public demo usage, copy or edit our material contact the administrators or managers of the program to get a permission.

Vulnerability Laboratory - Vulnerability Research Program (EU)
www.vulnerability-lab.com or www.vuln-lab.com

[Statistics] [January] Critical: 0 High: 0 Medium: 0 Low: 0 Best Researcher: [Vulnerability-Lab] Threat Service:

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