Account:[RegistrationRole:[Anonymous] Researcher: 1848 Advisories: 1138 Documents: 42 Videos: 242 Date: 22.01.2025 TZ: 05:31

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Welcome to the official laboratory plain-text dashboard. We use the section to announce updates/upgrades of the infrastructure, new partners, important artciles of core members or program status messages. All lab news articles are streamed to the rss network news feed by twitter, facebook or linkedin. Enjoy the plain-text information and stay up-2-date with the vulnerability research laboratory.

Total List: 07-2011

DateNews ArticleCategoryViews
2011-07-30[Customer] First 7 Skype Exploitation Maps ReleasedResearch44007
2011-07-280 Day Skype Denial of Service Vulnerability released on LabPress42482
2011-07-25ICQ v7.5 Remote Vulnerability discovered by Lab ResearcherAdvisories43587
2011-07-22New Laboratory Updates - Information, Details and UpcomingsUpdates42454
2011-07-14(CFP) HITB Malaysia - Skype VoIP Software Exploitation 2011Press44082
2011-07-120 Day Skype Exploitation Video - Released by Noptrix and VLabAdvisories43808
2011-07-08Customer Section, Listing and Infrastructure UpgradeUpdates42529
2011-07-07TRUSTe Seal Website - SQL Injection Vulnerability [FIXED!] Press42698
2011-07-07New Skype 0 Day Vulnerabilities - Accepted by Vendor (Verified)Advisories43643
2011-07-02Infomercial Radio Technocrate (Venezuela) - Ivan M.M. (VLab)Press42624
2011-07-01New Partnership - Wargames Malaysia (Wargames.my)Partnership42622

[Statistics] [January] Critical: 0 High: 0 Medium: 0 Low: 0 Best Researcher: [Vulnerability-Lab] Threat Service:

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